Friday, October 10, 2008

Are Americans Getting The Privacy They Deserve?

The Article about privacy by the Fishbowl talks about our citizens being denied of privacies, because of the government embarking on people’s lives and personal privacy. This article is referring to the Patriot Act.
After 9/11 the government decided to put an act in place that would spy on terrorists so they would catch them before there was another attack, this act was named the Patriot Act. This act sounds great; however it has invaded the privacy of many innocent American citizens. The government can tap phones, access email, and stock you. I think we do need to come up with a way to stop terrorists, but this isn’t the solution. A good solution would be to focus on foreigners who have a criminal record instead of innocent citizens. The Patriot Act is completely violating the privacy rights of Americans and the government has to change this act or discard it.

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