Friday, October 24, 2008

Is there really a need for textbooks?

While I was reading the article The Need for Texbooks, by the Fischbowl, I realized one need for textbooks was emphasized. In this article, the author speaks of spying a tornado instruction poster on a wall. Unexpectedly, the author discovered a need for textbooks that answers the question if schools really need them. If for nothing else, students need them, to shield and protect themselves against a tornado, should any other means not be available to them. The author was making a statement about our schools, for much is said about our schools for this unlikelihood to be the reason students need books. Shouldn’t the reason students need books be for learning?!

Soution to the Job Crisis

New jobs are being created by the millions. Energy efficiency has created 1.5 million jobs in California from 1977 to 2007. This shows how energy efficiency is not only good to are environment, but gives Americans a numerous amount of job opportunities. If the new president of the United States realizes how important energy resources are and how scarce they have become he will send a lot more funding to energy efficiency. Millions of new jobs will open and the planet will be healthier if the president funds this. This will allow many Americans to dig themselves out of the hole that the economy has created. Global Warming is also a huge issue which the funding for this will resolve. Over all this is a great solution to help many Americans as well as global citizens in the environmental crisis.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are Americans Getting The Privacy They Deserve?

The Article about privacy by the Fishbowl talks about our citizens being denied of privacies, because of the government embarking on people’s lives and personal privacy. This article is referring to the Patriot Act.
After 9/11 the government decided to put an act in place that would spy on terrorists so they would catch them before there was another attack, this act was named the Patriot Act. This act sounds great; however it has invaded the privacy of many innocent American citizens. The government can tap phones, access email, and stock you. I think we do need to come up with a way to stop terrorists, but this isn’t the solution. A good solution would be to focus on foreigners who have a criminal record instead of innocent citizens. The Patriot Act is completely violating the privacy rights of Americans and the government has to change this act or discard it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Young Voters Make The Difference

Young voters are making their voices heard and their influence count in the current American presidential election! Many late teens and young college age kids seem to have become more politically active than in the recent past presidential elections.

The letter, Young Voters Know What's at Stake: Our Future, states young voters are the future key to defeat global warming and to change Washington. The reason these young voters are more politically active is because the president elected to serve in office in 2009 will put policies in place that will critically affect their future. Economy, war, unemployment, educational funds, equal pay for women, minimum wage, and global warming are most of the main issues at hand and of great concern for young voters.

Young voters are aware of climate change and many of them are working together to make the world becoming green a top priority. They know we need a president with the same priority and goal. Many college age voters need help paying for school, want to know they can find a job when they graduate, or need a job that pays a decent wage now. Women are tired of getting paid less than a man, especially since, with high divorce rates, many of them will become single mothers. Young people do not want to witness more of their friends dying in the war, or having have to pay for continued borrowing for the war with Iraq.
Young voters are influencing the outcome of this presidential election with the internet. They are having their voices be heard in mass, through facebook, myspace, and blogs. They are also highly involved in campaigning for their favorite candidate.