Friday, September 26, 2008

Its Not All About Technology

Is it all about technology? Learning these days is mostly about technology. For instance, this blog is my homework in English class which requires a computer. When I read this article it really made me think about how far along we have come with technology. Although, there are some techniques you have to learn without technology such as people skills. One of the biggest ethics to success in business is having good and reliable contacts. In order to succeed it is critical to have experience with socializing. But over all I don’t think it’s all about technology.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

United Airlines Has Gone Berserk

In the article “UAL logs $700 million in additional fees” they discuss that if you are going to fly United Airlines you might want to bring some extra money, because ULA is charging $50 per extra bag brought. This is huge to me, I fly all the time and almost every time I fly I’ve got a couple of bags with me. If you’re a frequent flyer like me you might want to try a different airline, unless you’ve got that extra money to throw around. I think instead of making more profit United Airlines will make less because of all the customers choosing a more affordable airline.

A Tragic Death With New Technology

In the article “tweeting the funeral “in the Fischbowl it talks about a driver who killed three people and a reporter broadcasting the funeral through via text messaging with a program called Twitter. First of all I think that was a tragic incident and those people shouldn’t have died. On the other hand I believe the program Twitter is a good idea, because it informs people of the tragedy and allows them to support the family’s loss. This also allows people that don’t have time to watch the news or read the news paper to be informed in what’s going on.

Monday, September 15, 2008

PLN response on Barack Obama

Barack Obama has raised more money in the month of august than any presidential campaign has risen in a monthly period in U.S history. His candidacy has raised over 66 million in that month; I believe this is happening because we have never needed more change in Washington than now. Everyone that knows this is fighting for Barack Obama to win the next presidency. I personally went to the democratic National Convention and I’ve contributed to his campaign. McCain has agreed with over 90% of what Bush has and we don’t need more of the same.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Your Learning

1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know" powerpoint, some of the things that strike me about the facts presented include _________.

2) The value of learning is _______.

3)My role as a learner is _______.

Summer Reading

Over the summer, I read a few books, to include a book by Ben Hogan, Five Lessons The Modern Fundamentals of Golf . The content was what drew me to reading it. It is about how to improve your golf game. I liked how thorough his explanations for technical moves were. His description was easy to follow and the illustrations were very helpful. I was able to apply some of what he taught in the book, into my game.

Another book I read was Learn To Earn by Peter Lynch.. My grandmother got me this book, so that I can better understand money and the economy as I get older. I liked it because of who got me the book and her reason. I also liked it because it's about money and may help me with my future. What I liked most about the content is the basic idea it's supposed to teach its readers. His idea is that the stock market is simple, when a company's earnings rise, then the stock price goes up. To quote the book, "this simple point--that the price of a stock is directly related to a company's earning power--is often overlooked, even by sophisticated investors." The biggest point I learned is that wiser investments take time.