Monday, September 8, 2008

Summer Reading

Over the summer, I read a few books, to include a book by Ben Hogan, Five Lessons The Modern Fundamentals of Golf . The content was what drew me to reading it. It is about how to improve your golf game. I liked how thorough his explanations for technical moves were. His description was easy to follow and the illustrations were very helpful. I was able to apply some of what he taught in the book, into my game.

Another book I read was Learn To Earn by Peter Lynch.. My grandmother got me this book, so that I can better understand money and the economy as I get older. I liked it because of who got me the book and her reason. I also liked it because it's about money and may help me with my future. What I liked most about the content is the basic idea it's supposed to teach its readers. His idea is that the stock market is simple, when a company's earnings rise, then the stock price goes up. To quote the book, "this simple point--that the price of a stock is directly related to a company's earning power--is often overlooked, even by sophisticated investors." The biggest point I learned is that wiser investments take time.

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